In his piece, 'The BUNKER' Offers a Glimpse of the Future of Comics, Graeme McMillan writes about The BUNKER as another example (following Brian K. Vaughan's and Marcos Martin's Private Eye) of self publishing serialized content online.
with less of a barrier for entry as print, digital could offer comic creators a chance to control their fortunes (figuratively and literally) in a way that they've never enjoyed before.
He also had this to say about the story:
I can recommend it to those who enjoyed such television shows as Lost or such comics as Morning Glories
For the rest of the article, please click here:
The BUNKER, a digital comic by Joshua Hale Fialkov and Joe Infurnari launches Monday Aug 5th, 2013. The address for press inquiries on THE BUNKER is Or on Twitter @whatisthebunker. If you sign up for the mailing list, you'll get early access to our very first chapter. Sign up at .